Monday, August 18, 2008


Olympics party was a huge success. except someone spilled wine on my couch and my mom was fricken pissed (hello, miguel.)
Miguel also showed up at POLLO RICO in BOOTY SHORTS and a sleeveless shirt as an OLYMPIC RUNNER. it was probably the funniest moment of the week. i'll post pictures when i get them from erick.
Also, cabelle, one of my (many) lesbian lovers came to visit me for my ~~b'day.~~ it was pretty amazing. It was a spanish house/my high school friends reunion, and while some had more fun than others, it was overall pretty good. Esp. with the BOUGIE FOOD that a certain BOUGE bought for the party.
Miguel also got so drunk, vommited all over my bathroom, then passed out in his car with the doors open and the 4 ways on. It was pretty lol.
So the following morning we went to eat at RAVI KABOB after encountering some huuuge stoners who "convinced" me that we should eat there. The employees then decided to give me a bunch of hot peppers to see if i could take the heat. I put the seeds in my food and went about my fattie business. They were so nice, they even gave me a free drink and a half. They were SO CUTE. EVERYBODY GO TO RAVI KABOB AND BE NICE! they're the cutest pakis ever.
so all was wonderful until all of a sudden, HOURS later, my HANDS STARTED BURNING LIKE SHIT. they were on fire!! i swear! so i googled it, and i had a bad case of HUNAN HANDS! I tried lime, i tried bleach, i tried oil and alcohol, i tried soap n water. NOTHING WORKED!! So i just sat with my hands in ice water for like an hour and it finally went away. I swear it was a fuckin' nightmare.
So then today i woke up feeling better, went to visit the eyedoctor, said bye to jeremy, the dog that i've been dog-sitting, went to work and saw somebody i hate so much i almost burst into tears/flames, came home, fed my ratties whose names will soon be finalized, and then watched OLYMPIC TRAMPOLINE! the greatest/most worthless fucking olympic sport of all time.
THANK GOD (mao) THAT CHINA WON. haha jk i hate mao. what a dick. lenin/trotsky is more my flavor of communism. but really though... OLYMPIC TRAMPOLINE? GOD. okay i'll leave you now to watch some soccer and pick my nose.

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