Saturday, August 9, 2008


Dearest new neighbors at 82whatever abingdon st,
YOUR HOUSE IS NOT A FUCKING FRAT HOUSE. you have only been living here for about 2 weeks and have had a party every friday and saturday, leaving beer bottles basically in the fucking street, and during the day you unemployed JMU alumni sluts sit outside in the front yard sunbathing for your 80+ year old neighbors to see. i guess you wouldn't know your neighbors cause though you won't take the time to get to know them because you're rude cunts.
When i come home from work after a boring shift on a saturday, the last thing i want to come home to is a street parked full of SUVs making it impossible to get a decent parking spot infront of my own home. Also, i do not want to hear obnoxious drunk girls screaming and giggling when i sit on my fucking porch. You probably have shitty music playing too, kenny chesney, or dave matthews. ~~omg~~ well PRAIIISE the fucking LORD i can't hear that!
so new neigbors, as much as you want Mr. Settler (R.I.P) and Ms. Joanna's cute old house to become the Arlington Mecca for post-undergrad TRASH, please learn some fucking CLASS. and that means a lot coming from ME. okay? jesus christ. i might print this and leave it in your mailbox. or print like 100 and then thrown them all over your front yard. as a reminder to clean up SHITTY beer bottles strewn all over your front yard. you know, the side that FACES THE STREET. AND YOUR NEIGHBORS SEE. jesus.
from your (younger, hotter, and more intelligent) neighbor
- Stephanie Diana Paredes Mora

god. white people have no shame


Jacy said...

1. don't be racist.
2. I guess its hard to compare to neighbors like the Settlers. awwww. they were so sweet.

Ricky said...

i'm white and i can certainly say that yes, white people in general are pretty arrogant and shitty. it's fair because all you spics are lazy, arabs are terrorists, blacks are criminals, jews are cheap, and gays are annoying.

Unknown said...

I'm not lazy and I'm not annoying...who would have thought?

Anyway, those bitches need to be put in their place...they might set up a tanning salon in there, quien sabe? Those white whores might organize orgies in there...que asco...tell your mom to perform an exorcismo or get one of the indigenous people to come spit all over their yard with their plantas.

Clare said...

Ugh I'm sorry, that sucks.

Call the cops every time they are noisy after the night noise ordinance kicks in. (11 pm? find the non-911 number) Even if it probably won't get them to move it will make them discourage their friends from going in together to rent on other single family homes in your neighborhood. Also they can get taken to court if the cops have to come by enough (I think.)