Thursday, July 31, 2008


if you have not done this yet, then
1) GET A GMAIL. whoever does not have a gmail at this point is just living in the LAST CENTURY and needs to throw the crap they are looking at right now (the monitor from your 1997 HP crap or whatever) out the window.
2) use gchat. if you want to contact me on aim, it's not gonna happen. people i like and respect are on gchat, therefore i haven't even ADDED my aim contacts to my gchat, cause... i don't want to talk to you if you're not on gchat in the FIRST PLACE. k? so if you wanna be a n00b, just add your AIM contacts to your GCHAT. OKAY?
3) get a google calendar... and SHARE IT WITH ME. i'm a nosey bitch. i'm paraguayan, what do you expect? i want to know what you're doing AT ALL TIMES. and you can say the same for me. then i won't actually forget when i'm supposed to hang out with you, and accidentally plan something else.
4) get GOOGLE READER... and then we can share LOL stories that we find on the internet, or elegant pictures of shauna sand, or you can even add this SHITTY BLOG to your reader, and read my updates WHENEVER THEY POP UP. and instead of using it for worthless shit like me, you can even put NEWS updates! and BORING STUFF like the latest in the OBAMA CAMPAIGN or how the damn PRIUS isn't as AMAZING to the environment as your yuppie ass thought it was. or SOMETHING. OKAY?

okay. in other news more relevant to my life, last night clare came over and drank white wine with my parents and 2 of their friends... they talked about how weird i am, how i need to get a boyfriend blah blah, and how my room is always so messy.

then i brought my rats out for some socializing, and one of them peed on both pat AND clare... and then... me.

then clare almost missed the last metro home, then i went to pat's house to play HALO and ROCKBAND with him and erick. my halo average is now about 1.37 KILLS PER GAME.

then some asshole called me out for sucking and erick challenged him to 1 on 1 and then erick owned his ass and we all laughed. then erick said "MY GIRLFRIEND'S HERE IF YOU WANNA PLAY HER. SHE'S MORE ON YOUR LEVEL." and i laughed a whole lot. his name was UPTOWN1020 I BELIEVE if you wanna ADD him then BEAT HIS ASS EVEN MORE.

oh and also, our little japanese magnet friends WENT MISSING. somebody took all the magnets off the fridge, so if ANYBODY HAS SEEN OUT LITTLE JAPANESE MAGNETS, PLEASE CONTACT ME. in honor of female japanese magnet, he's a short vid clip of her singing a kelis song.

OHHH and and jacy had a really hilarious quote today that reminds me of how much i don't ever want a real job ever in my life.

jacy: i have to send out this mass email and i remember there being 1 guy on it who died. but i dont remember who it is. do you think people will get offended if his name is on the email list?
(its for work)



Erick said...

we established .75 kills per game lol jk

we shuld put up missing posters for the asian magnets


yah i got gmail but only old people use it :(

Jacy said...

not OLD people, ERICK,....SMART AND WISE people....which happens with age. :-P !!

Unknown said...

I wanna come over and drink vino blanco with your padres :(

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