I went to the local shopping mall known as "Fashion Square," a small mall with only one level and an assortment of shitty shops that I would never ACTUALLY buy anything real from and take it SRSly.
Anyway, I went with Chris to pay for his jeans (in exchange for a fridge,) and to buy myself some BOOTY SHORTS.
THEN...WET SEAL WAS CLOSED. WHAT? Where is a decent girl supposed to find herself some booty shorts? They actually had NO OTHER stores with booty shorts, I looked everywhere. So that was the first major disappointment.
THEN we were walking into FYE and I decided to give this Obama cutout a hug. I mean why not? So as I was in hug position, some redneck walked by and goes "oh man, I want to take that home for TARGET PRACTICE." Instead of cussing at him and flicking him off like he probably expected, I just laughed because that kind of ignorance and hatred is just funny/SAD. I don't really hate Mccain... nor would I say rude shit to people hugging Mccain cutouts.
SO that's when I had had enough. Chris and I were like...let's get the fuck out of here. And I was like "wait, lemme get a picture with Mr. future Prez." Then another rude person walked by and said, rather loudly, "I wouldn't want a picture with THAT BASTARD."
REALLY? REALLY THOUGH CHARLOTTESVILLE? CALM DOWN. When I'm being CALM about something, it means you REALLY need to calm down. Cause I'm always angry and looking for a fight, but this was just STUPID.
So then, being all grumps, I decided to ride on the mall's mini-merry-go-round thinking it would make me feel better, but no.
THEN I went to the UVA bookstore and paid $380 dollars for some engineering textbooks. WONDERFUL. PLEASE, TAKE ALL MY MONEY, I CAN TOTALLY AFFORD IT!!! One book is like... a full tank of gas in my ~~SUV~~
me and mr. future prez
(my nickname from when I was a kid! Which is kinda funny if you think about it...)