my life is so boring right now, this the bulk of my post.
yesterday, i met up with gatos in DC to chat about gata stuff... and we were all so bored. all we talked about was gabby's work. then i came home, hung out with pat and erick, got kicked out of my house my my asshole brother who thinks he's entitled to everything because he's 25 (26?) and still lives at home and happened to be in a bad mood for no fucking reason known to me.
then we went to pat's house and i fought him for 20 minutes to check my email. he's trying to wean me off the internet. then i got 0 kills in Halo for 3 rounds, then i got 4 in my last game. so.. my average it still one kill per game.
then today i woke up late, studied for a test, then rocked it (i think)
came home, played with rats, talked to some new paraguayan who the gatos should take out and introduce him to the way we live. i already told him i had gay friends and he expressed his concern. being paraguayan, he said THIS
yo soy homofobico!!!
but that is not a problem!!
the problem have the gays people!!
no me voy a acercar ningun centimetro a ellos...
then i said... actually my gay friends are pretty awesome... and he said...
te parece nomas
porq tienen mucho en comun con las muejrers
algun dia nos vamos a sentar juntos y vas a entender porq
tengo una teoria muy buena!
y cierta, claro...
and now i'm just sitting here watching shitty criminal intent and talking to some gato who makes conversation almost as boring as this episode.
oh and p.s., miguel looked super gay on monday. HAHAHA oh miguel, i love your tight fitting t shit with nips showing through and fitted pantalones con tus aviators. (I REALLY DID)
and this pic. is to... stick with the batman theme while promoting rights for gays and gayelles everywhere. (mosly just hohan and saman)
halo is so boring.
HAHAHAHAHAHA...LOLz...I love homophobic men...they're sooo's like a fantasy of mine...levantarme uno...anyway, nice picture of (~Chris & Jonathan~ the roomies).
lol, i would be batman...obvio pq soy mas alto
lol miguel. lol. and who deleted their comment?! LAME
yah homophobs are funny. love the batman pic lol
and jacy halo is NOT boring!! >:(
and srsly why was yor bro grumpy? i mean i know it was late but shit!
hay manera para decir las cosas
juu know?
erick - halo is so effing boring. all you do is shoot. doesnt that get old after like 5 shots? GTA4 is so much better.
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