it makes my life miserable
I don't have an umbrella
I didn't bring any douchey scarves
I HATE driving in the rain
I HATE is when my hair looks wet and either IS wet or is just really greasy AND a little wet, so it looks even grosser...

who cares you who endorse in the upcoming election daddy yankee, it's not like your fans are
1) ELIGIBLE to vote (not 18, illegal, and oh yes, convicts)
2) SMART. i mean puerto ricans, really shutup now
3) gonna care enough to give a shit about what you say
I mean...really... endorsing MCCAIN? who are you? what the hell?
either you're a REAL douche cause you like MCCAIN, or you're just a douche who wants some publicity cause you liked OBAMA but then he turned your ass down, so you switch to LUVIN MCCAIN.
get outta here.
this just goes to show that we really should allow puerto rico to be their OWN country so they can keep all their stupidity contained onto one island.
WITH ALL THIS BEING SAID, I love puerto rico... I've been there and plan on going again. I also love(d) Puerto Rican ~~men~~ (if they can even be called that) at one point in my life.
I ALSO LOVE REGGAETON!!! SO this is just my HATE campaign against daddy yankee who makes his fans pay way too much to see him live (atleast 100$) and then endorses MCCAIN.
GRACIAS POR REPRESENTAR A TODOS LOS LATINOS DADDY, you know, all of us hispanic republicans who can afford 100 bucks to go to a concert... all... maybe 2 of us in the U.S...
~~apologies to anybody who might be offended~~
Hahah lolz at your post...
1) the fact that you don't like being ~wet~ well...can we ask Joao (or whatever his name is...koreano) about that.
2) Who the FUCK is daddy yankee?! I hate him now!! Quien vote por McCain solo porque Daddy Yankee lo dice es un DESCEREBRADO!!! As if Daddy Yankee was an politico...hahaha, does he even know McCain's standing on the issues?!
Isnt daddy yankee from La Perla??
an why would puerto ricans want to be their own country? that means we'd actually have to work an shit...
and anyways, JLO is for Barack
k daddy yankee is jus another fuckin hoodrat watever. hes just an ignorant dumbass
and fuck any hispanic who supports bush/are conservative because of the whole pro life shit are fucking idiots
anyway good post :)
god i hate being el salvadorian sumtimes cuz the majority of them suck.... but shit at least im not puerto rican
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