Tuesday, October 7, 2008


And BOY what hasn't happened since then...
new updates in life:
   - reinstalled windows
   - new cage for babies
   - too much school work
and...well that's about it? 
   - clare discovered rock band
   - I discovered how retarded I can be when/if I get drunk 
The GATAz as a group are suffering, barely as unified as we were about 3 months ago.
there are several reasons why, but really, there's no reason to go into the politics of it. it's all just bullshit.

okay i was suposed to go get my camera and upload pictures but then i just got sidetracked by rockband for 45 minutes.... 
i'm workin on world tour, drums, all by myself cayse i have no friends.

and with that, it's time for me to go to class, then study, then study, then maybe sleep, then work, then study and more class!!!!!!


Ricky said...

a) i hope it's rock band 2 on an xbox 360, otherwise you're way behind and full of fail.

b) don't drink. you're already an idiot when you're sober. come on.

Clare said...

Did I discover rock band? Or did rock band discover me?

Wahoomb said...

The gataz cannot become extinct...I'm gonna have to come very soon (umm...in like a week and half) and unify all of you...soy la "glue" que necesitan...lolz