Monday, September 22, 2008

HOMOS, PAPERS, and the loss of a lip ring...

Dear all, 
   This weekend has been one full of Dramz, fagz, and too much fucking homework. Thanks to BRYCE GRIFFLER who kindly took the rest of my shift today, I have time to write this while waiting for someone to return a movie that I must watch for class.

The Dramz:

A certain Gato visited this weekend and made out with gabby's "ex-gato."  The next night, she pulled a Stephanie (crying in public.)

A certain other grad student Gata made out with (questionably?) straight Chris B. (don't kill me Chris, it's what THEY say... NOT ME!!! ellos...ELLOS)

A certain Gata FINA lost her lipring after a light makeout sesh with her geriatric Gato.  She then forgot to replace it, and thus NO LONGER has a lipring. (you can thank him later mom!!)

Two certain RATAS finos (ladron and latarian) have ruined my mother's plants by biting into the stem (pictures later.)


here's a visual summing up our lives (me and gabby)


Erick said...

BWAHAHAHA !!! man i missed a good weekend :(

hey im a straight friend!!!.... though i question it when im surround by all the bug carriers (gays)

Jacy said...

everyone is bi. jk. maybe. this was a really funny post.

La Gatica said...

looks like some people missed miguel more than others

Unknown said...

Thanks for all the ~love~ guys...I made my appearance, behaved in a ~classy~ way, left my mark...hasta la proxima (si tengo la cara para volver...)

Unknown said...

damnnn. This is getting better than perez....