Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Today I...

Went commando in court.

WHAT? I'm out of laundry and I used my last clean pair last night in Gabby's hot tub.

When I was taking the elevator down to the metro, some yuppie goes "it's another cold day. when will this be over?" and I go "I dunno. I have a permanent cold cause of it."
Then, sounding like I destroyed her or something, she's like "I was hoping for a more optimistic reply."


I'm like... uhh you just tried to make conversation with a stranger on the metro. WTF did you expect? If I didn't suspect she was some new-to-arlington-yuppie, I would have been like "YEAH IT'S FUCKIN FREEZING, JESUS. I GOTTA GET MY ASS BACK INTO GABBY'S HOT TUB. You goin' to work? That SUCKS."

But I didn't.

Back to SVU (on 2 channels... decisions, decisions.)

1 comment:

Jacy said...

omg i have perma-colds too. do you wake up with a nasty taste in your mouth too?