Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
My last night in Arlington...
was fantastic.
I went over to Jacy's and had some delicious vegetarian tacos, sat around and LOLed @ politics, yuppies, shitty movies, and of course my "dear ol' UVa."
UVa might be the second best public school in the U.S., but it's pretty horrible at this thing called "school of life." All those spoiled suburbanites go to UVa and learn just about nothing about the world and what people are really like because UVa is a gigantic bubble of assholes who are exactly the same. Tragic, no?
After Jacy's, I headed over to O'Sullivan's, most definitely my favorite bar in Clarendon. The bartender is the best I've ever had and it's usually pretty mellow on Monday nights. There's always soccer on TV and the music is nothing I particularly hate. We met a bunch of "blokes" from the U.K. who tried to talk us (Cami and me,) out of going to class/work tomorrow. They were hilarious. We talked about everything from driving in Arlington to the Falkland Islands War to how Arsenal is still the greatest football team in the UK (fuck Chelsea.) It was a great night, and I got a free Shock Top (or 2,) my favourite beer at the moment.
I'll be back in Charlottesville in less than 14 hours. NOOOOOOOOo
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Stress/No stress
My life is pretty easy right now... no joke. Looking forward to graduating and not doin' SHIT. Trying to party really hard this summer and say goodbye to my youth... 'Cause let's be real, it's gonna be over quite soon.
The only thing stressing me out is my mother. She makes my life pretty difficult without even knowing it. UVa degree, no arrests, no pregnancies... I'm a huge disappointment, right? Sorry Ma, UMMA DO ME.
I gotta go back to school in 2 days. Not looking forward to it. My housing is overpriced, one roommate is pissed at me, the other moved out cause of her dumbass boyfriend, now I'm living with a rando-new age-natural juice detox- type from Seattle. WTF?
It's all good though 'cause I'm taking a soccer class, I joined a bball team, working too many hours a week, my classes are tough, I'm gonna be goin' hard (partying.) So, I'll be too busy to give a F about anything.
I'm gonna go appease the beast by trying to learn how to make sopa paraguaya...
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Another successful night of social networking...
at 2 dollar Tuesdays...
I actually like Bailey's. I think they have a great beer selection and I don't mind the ambiance. I also think it's entertaining seeing everybody from Arlington that I haven't seen in a while. It's not "douchebags" or "losers," (I mean, some are,) but sometimes I see people I genuinely want to see but I wouldn't really see anywhere otherwise. I don't see the problem with that. Thank you Bailey's.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
First time ever... this Indian bitch talked me into threading my eyebrows. I was like...aiiiiight. I look GATA.
I feel weird tho!
Don't got a cam, or there would be pix.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
I heard...
Italians are some sleazy shit...
but I'm still excited about
I cried, whined, and (oh) paid my way to WCSA tickets. Praise the Lord Almighty.
Italy v. Paraguay. June 14th, 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May the world champions meet their match!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
If I were in Paraguay, I would have put my shoes outside last night then I would have woken up this morning and stuffed my face with chocolate...
Unfortunately, I'm in Arlington, Virginia and I'll be heading over to Rock Bottom to stuff my face with beer.
Same shit, right?
If anyone has an extra old verizon phone, LEMME KNOW!!! I'm going for a record: how many cell phones can I lose in a week?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Today I...
Went commando in court.
WHAT? I'm out of laundry and I used my last clean pair last night in Gabby's hot tub.
When I was taking the elevator down to the metro, some yuppie goes "it's another cold day. when will this be over?" and I go "I dunno. I have a permanent cold cause of it."
Then, sounding like I destroyed her or something, she's like "I was hoping for a more optimistic reply."
I'm like... uhh you just tried to make conversation with a stranger on the metro. WTF did you expect? If I didn't suspect she was some new-to-arlington-yuppie, I would have been like "YEAH IT'S FUCKIN FREEZING, JESUS. I GOTTA GET MY ASS BACK INTO GABBY'S HOT TUB. You goin' to work? That SUCKS."
But I didn't.
Back to SVU (on 2 channels... decisions, decisions.)
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