Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm too busy

It's not fun.  I liked summer when I just sat around watching Law and Order reruns, eating (obviously,) working, taking easy classes, and checking my Google Reader every 5 minutes.  
I still do that, only a lot more working, a lot harder classes, and a lot less Google Reader. 
Luckily now there is GOOGLE CHROME (get it!) for me to get my daily dose of google apps.  Really, I'm serious, I love google.  

SUMMARY since last post:
Thursday: I was grumps about life.  Water resources problem set (took forever.)
Friday: Still grumps, but better.  Went to Katie O'Hare's b'day party.  here's a pic to remind her. I feel like these pictures are almost from HER perspective...if you know what I mean. like...intentionally blurry? okay I think you get it.

 (lol, luv u)  Then I flicked off slim, then ate 1 1/2 bags of thai chips at tegans, followed by my "virgin mary" special at Christians.  I'll explain that some other time. 
Saturday:  Watched the PARAGUAY ARGENTINA GAME.  Argentina clearly deserved to win, but that's not what matters is it? PARAGUAY REMAINS IN FIRST PLACE!! after an OWN GOAL by ARGENTINA, a RED CARD in the FIRST HALF leaving ARGENTINA with only 10 PLAYERS, and a GOALIE SUB. WOW PARAGUAY, really? you can't do better than that? oh well. STILL IN FIRST PLACE!! 
okay so then gelato, Thai, food, more hanging, hung out with my negro ADRIAN at his new place on 13th (tite, tite)
then I woke up on SUNDAY and did homework, another stupid problem set, had the AMAZING ITC GUY fix my wireless and then went to work. fun fun fun!

This is my GELATO of choice.  SPLENDORA's chocolate, raspberry, and pineapple sorbet. mmm mmm mmm

Oh and these are my "E-school" pictures
Passed out after Water Resources Problem Set
FREE LUNCH! what I eat since cancelling my meal plan. 


Jacy said...

i dont know why you think argentina deserved to win. that is bs.

La Gatica said...

excuse me. there is no shame in being on the miguel meal plan!

or is there...

Wahoomb said...

hahaha, when i was on my gata diet..i only three saltines with jelly...hellooooo...steal fruit...obviously...that's what i always did!