Pit bulls can't drive SUVs,
Hockey moms can, and DO, and cross the STOP BAR when I'M MAKING A RIGHT TURN then act like they're doing me a FAVOR when they back up, when in reality they just SHOULDN'T CROSS THE STOP BAR.
Pit bulls can rip your face off.
Hockey moms cannot.
I'm getting a pit bull next year...
But my mom will never be a hockey mom.
Mexicans and black people (and I) love pit bulls,
Most mexicans and black people (and I) have never met a "hockey mom"
Pit bulls are cute
Hockey moms are busted.
oh yes,
last but not least

oh god not another PEREZ. i'm so sick of sarah palin. if you continue putting pictures of her, i'm going to boycott you like i did perez. this blog is supposed to be about you.
If I was straight (o sea...never), I'd totally dedicate one of my private ~mast~ sessions to Sarah Palin!
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