Monday, March 30, 2009


I'm not a gossip blogger, and there is only 1 true God of Gossip Blogs (I luv u Michael K.,) BUT I'VE HAD ENOUGH.
If the hot, tranny, meth-faced, mess known as fuggie fug can get a hot piece like josh D., I... I just don't understand.
Okay, you know what, I was looking for pictures to post that sum up this RANT, but I had to just make this collage that I titled "contrast."
But whatever, props to you Fergie. 
In news more relevant to my life, this weekend was really fun.  I really need a camera, damnit.  

Friday I went to see MEN. (I LUV U JD SAMSON.)  I cried cause I missed out on dinner with her/him (sorry, I still don't know which one is appropriate.)  Then Saturday I saw some bands play at "The Laundromat" a.k.a. Nihal's basement, and I met some cool people, saw some good bands (I actually really like St... whatever's Hospital...) and then hung out at Tegan's after with Klucas, Mike Quist, and a purple box.  It was a pretty good weekend, I got lots of rest, and I'm sort of prepared for the next week which will be BRUTAL.  I got 4 tests, a bunch of homework, some shows to go to, and summer finances to figure out.  WOOHOOO

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