Tuesday, January 20, 2009


j/k.  just gonna point out some of my fave/least fave things about the INAUGURATION that has consumed DC/MY SOUL today.

1.)  JILL BIDEN'S hoey boots and fake tan...
       2 syllables... GATA

2.)  ARETHA'S sexy ass hat. ALSO a GATA.

3.) Bush Sr.'s yellow turtle neck and purple scarf. While some hated, I applauded and thought "oh em gee so cute I don't hate him THAT much." 

4.) Obama's speech.  My fave snipets...

"each day brings further evidence that the ways we use energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet."  - yay alternative energy sources

"To those leaders around the globe who seek to sow conflict, or blame their society's ills on the West — know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy."  - yay building stuff!

"...all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness." - yay UHMEURICA!!

oh and also how he stressed personal responsibility... 

and finally... 

5.) BILL CLINTON. HOT AS EVER. and Hillary too, DUH. ~lookin good in blue gurl~

least favorites...

Bush got BOOed when he walked out.
As shitty as he may have been, that's BAD FORM PEOPLEZ. Whoever was booing was clearly ignant as shit and didn't deserve to be there. oh well.



Erick said...

hahah thats the first thing i noticed i was like yo dis bitch is wearin BOOTS!! BAWWLIN!

Wahoomb said...

One of my favorites was

"For we know that our patchwork heritage is a strength, not a weakness. We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus--and non-believers."

Rarely does a politician include "non-believers" when talking about groups...hopefully Obama will give a voice to the ireligious!

Jacy said...

I love me some Mr. Bill Clinton. mmm mmm mmmmm. HA! did you see how old and chubby Al Gore was?? haaaa

yea i'm getting tired of the booing at bush. i do not like the guy one bit but its embarrassing and immature.

i wasn't into aretha's hat.... she looked like a present.

the obama girls looked as cute as ever though....especially the little one.