Monday, September 29, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
HOMOS, PAPERS, and the loss of a lip ring...
Dear all,

This weekend has been one full of Dramz, fagz, and too much fucking homework. Thanks to BRYCE GRIFFLER who kindly took the rest of my shift today, I have time to write this while waiting for someone to return a movie that I must watch for class.
The Dramz:
A certain Gato visited this weekend and made out with gabby's "ex-gato." The next night, she pulled a Stephanie (crying in public.)
A certain other grad student Gata made out with (questionably?) straight Chris B. (don't kill me Chris, it's what THEY say... NOT ME!!! ellos...ELLOS)
A certain Gata FINA lost her lipring after a light makeout sesh with her geriatric Gato. She then forgot to replace it, and thus NO LONGER has a lipring. (you can thank him later mom!!)
Two certain RATAS finos (ladron and latarian) have ruined my mother's plants by biting into the stem (pictures later.)
here's a visual summing up our lives (me and gabby)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
My pretty little room...
Mommy and daddy came this weekend and cleaned my room and redid it. It looks beautiful now. Take a looky…
Other things,
Miguel is coming next weekend. Mark your calendars. We’re both estrenando our gatos. LOL
My disappointment in UTS grows more and more every day.
My school is actually going pretty well. I saw some kid I hate get a 47% on the last (practically IMPOSSIBLE) homework assignment, and I got an 88% so that’s all the validation I need for the moment.
Parties at UVA are boring and awkward these days.
Feel baaad for me ! feel bad for me !! I look like shit and I’m tired!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
This is way funnier than you will think it is...

and only jacy will really understand.
oh and also, that B.S. I said last night was in reference to several things.
1) I almost got in some fight cause some dude cut in line at MY pizza place cause he was a DOUCHE. I recall giving the guy a titty twister and leaving (or something just as ridiculous.)
2) while waiting outside for eric to pee, I believe I parted the sea of hipsters so that cris negron could pretend he didn't see me and walk like 2 miles away. It was pretty fucking stupid.
3) Drinking is so lame, I might give it up ~~forever~~ you know, except for the occassional cerveza while watching a soccer game.
4) I was grumps for other reasons that I will not talk about, but WUTEV.
My babies are stinky. I'm gonna clean their cage before my mommy and daddy get here.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
I had a baby...
So I decided to have roque santacruz's baby... (the hottest player on our national team)
but I think it mostly looks like a little blond me.

Here's Nelson Haedo Valdez after scoring that "goal" against Argentina (lolz)
5 points ahead of ARGENTINA and BRAZIL!
south africa 2010 bitchezzzz
which means the pressure is ONNNN for me to graduate on time!! (great!)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
What's the difference between a pit bull and a hockey mom??
Pit bulls can't drive SUVs,
Hockey moms can, and DO, and cross the STOP BAR when I'M MAKING A RIGHT TURN then act like they're doing me a FAVOR when they back up, when in reality they just SHOULDN'T CROSS THE STOP BAR.
Pit bulls can rip your face off.
Hockey moms cannot.
I'm getting a pit bull next year...
But my mom will never be a hockey mom.
Mexicans and black people (and I) love pit bulls,
Most mexicans and black people (and I) have never met a "hockey mom"
Pit bulls are cute
Hockey moms are busted.
oh yes,
last but not least

Sunday, September 7, 2008
I'm too busy
It's not fun. I liked summer when I just sat around watching Law and Order reruns, eating (obviously,) working, taking easy classes, and checking my Google Reader every 5 minutes.
I still do that, only a lot more working, a lot harder classes, and a lot less Google Reader.
Luckily now there is GOOGLE CHROME (get it!) for me to get my daily dose of google apps. Really, I'm serious, I love google.
SUMMARY since last post:
Thursday: I was grumps about life. Water resources problem set (took forever.)
Friday: Still grumps, but better. Went to Katie O'Hare's b'day party. here's a pic to remind her. I feel like these pictures are almost from HER perspective...if you know what I mean. like...intentionally blurry? okay I think you get it.
(lol, luv u) Then I flicked off slim, then ate 1 1/2 bags of thai chips at tegans, followed by my "virgin mary" special at Christians. I'll explain that some other time.
Saturday: Watched the PARAGUAY ARGENTINA GAME. Argentina clearly deserved to win, but that's not what matters is it? PARAGUAY REMAINS IN FIRST PLACE!! after an OWN GOAL by ARGENTINA, a RED CARD in the FIRST HALF leaving ARGENTINA with only 10 PLAYERS, and a GOALIE SUB. WOW PARAGUAY, really? you can't do better than that? oh well. STILL IN FIRST PLACE!!
okay so then gelato, Thai, food, more hanging, hung out with my negro ADRIAN at his new place on 13th (tite, tite)
then I woke up on SUNDAY and did homework, another stupid problem set, had the AMAZING ITC GUY fix my wireless and then went to work. fun fun fun!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
So I would write something....
but anything I could possibly write about right now would be complaining and bitching about how unsatisfied I am with ... everything.
So with that... I present to you two "gems" from this summer.
I suppose what we're talking about is "NSFW"
This is a reminder of how much I miss miguel, Mi Gato Forever. (oh, and erick, DUH!)
So with that... I present to you two "gems" from this summer.
I suppose what we're talking about is "NSFW"
This is a reminder of how much I miss miguel, Mi Gato Forever. (oh, and erick, DUH!)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Rat Date
So yesterday Cami came to visit for the day, and brought my babies a present!
We decided to set up a romantic date for them, because they are gay life partners.
Latarian hogged the quiche, and Ladron hid in the corner because he's a fraidy-cat and cami freaked him out.

Here's a pic of them cuddling... to commemorate their true love.

Latarian and Ladron currently reside at Gato's house 'cause I gotta pass inspection...
and you know, I would never break UVA's housing rules... EVER...
Latarian and Ladron currently reside at Gato's house 'cause I gotta pass inspection...
and you know, I would never break UVA's housing rules... EVER...
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