2) I'm a chubby, and I luvz it. For lunch i spent 6 dollars on the most delicious falafel in Arlington, and i was relatively happy the rest of the afternoon, even through my shitty NOVA class. Here's a high saturation pic of my YUMMY YUMMY arax cafe falafel!
Everybody go to ARAX at Westover and buy a fuckin falafel. I will soon be trying the falafels at "that awesome falafel place in Adam's Morgan," and we'll see which one is better.
3) I'm a crazy bitch. (surpriiise) I was in class reading Invitation to a Beheading and not paying attention and my mind started wandering, then i was just like, what the hell is wrong with me? what do i want in life? Why am i sitting here thinking about the weirdest shit that i should NOT be thinkin about that i will not elaborate on???!! jesus.
well anyways, I'm about to leave to go to a GAY CLUB in DC with CHRIS PAGE (who is not gay, so this is not me outing him) and my mom's yelling at me cause she says (in Spanish) that all I look for is trouble and that I should go find a boyfriend and I'm indecent and that all I'm going to do is go there and get diseases and that (I'm actually typing this as she talks...)
"Queres ir a ver a los gays vesandose, tocandose? todos se matan in DC! ustedes buscan problemas... " You have no religion, that's why you do these things. you are incomplete. a person has to be formed physically, mentally, and spiritually. you lack spirituality. you dn't believe in ANYTHING. you all went to catholic school and you are inhumane. and then you say because i judge a black person I'm inhumane. but you, YOU you judge a salvatrucka for being a bad hairstylist. and you, you choose satanic hairdressers with spikes and colors. what is wrong with you? what you think you are gonna go do at a gay club? when are you gonna act like a NORMAL, MATURE, 20 year old. because what you do is not NORMAL. what is that? te volviste LESBIANA that's why you wanna go there? i'm waiting right here. right here for chris. and i'm going to yell at his pale ass. I knew nothing good could come from you hanging out with all those GAYS at uva. because "dime con quien andas y yo te digo quien eres" - MY CRAZY ASS HISPANIC MOM.
hahaha okay i'm done... til laterz.
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